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The Journey Journal


So I've been keeping a journal for my baby girl that I've started writing in when I first found out I am pregnant. The journal holds info that I needed for my various gynae visits and now her pead visits. But I've also included photos, little stories, keepsakes etc.

I recently had this revelation about her JOURNAL being a part of her JOURNEY.
I love journeys - that's what life is all about though, right?
It's all about the journey... the road you choose to take... the decisions you make, the memories you collect and the life lessons you learn and grow from!
I want my girl to know that the journey of her life started when she was but a seed in my belly and that she was loved even then! I want her to know that God knew her name before she was in my womb and that she has purpose and every part of her life is special!
Working with youngsters has shown me that there are so many who go through life believing that they are not as important as so-and-so OR not as pretty OR not as talented etc.
Not for my daughter.
My heart is that she grows up to be the kind of woman who knows what she wants, where she is going and wont settle for anything less!

I have filled some of the pages with prayers for her and with advice on certain things that I am still learning as a "young" woman, myself. I want her to know that making mistakes is all part of the process and that learning from those mistakes is where we find our victory. I want her to know that she doesn't have to be "perfect" in the eyes of the world, and that who God has called her to be is perfect enough. And I want her to honour and respect other people. I want her to be kind. I want her to have so much love flowing out of her, because she will know what it feels like to be loved!

Oh if only more girls could experience the kind of love that would help them to love themselves!
My girl will be its advocate and put it on display for other young girls to see that it is possible to value yourself, be strong, determined and be humble at the same time.

I am so thankful that she is a part of MY journey and so grateful to be a part of hers!


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