01 02 03 My Spreadsheet Brain: Allow me to explain my selfie 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Allow me to explain my selfie

I always scroll through Facebook in awe and amazement at the beautiful (sometimes creative) selfies that I see the young 'uns posting of themselves. Either they are just naturally movie star good looking or they put alot of effort into making sure that the make up and gloss is just right, back drop is perfect, hair reflects the mood (going to work, just woke up, laying in bed etc)...
Then the setting: Quirky... Melancholy... Tired...
Then theres the new thing where there's a pout or the tongue is sticking out, or theres an eye wink, or a gang sign is thrown... and suddenly I am feeling extremely old and outdated!

I remember a day and age when I was a self proclaimed Selfie Queen.
Mind you, selfies were not called "selfies" back then. I guess that's because social media was not what it was now. 
I took pics mainly to document how good I think I looked (heehee, whaaat it's the truth) or to serve as a memory (or proof, if you'd like) as to how much of a good time I am actually having. 

Soon, Facebook became popular and I would then upload an album every week.
I was that Facebook paparazzi person.
I often had moments (when out partying) where people would come up to me and say "hey take a pic of us!"

So this morning while scrolling through my Facebook, admiring an array of young glossy selfie pouts, I thought, hey when last have I taken a selfie?!
I mean, the only time I look half decent now a days is right after I've prepped for work and even then, its rush rush to get the kids packed and out the door, rush rush to drop them off, rush rush to get to my desk and then focus focus focus, to get my tasks done before 5pm. 
And let me tell you, by the time I eventually get home from work, I am extremely unselfieworthy.
(That should be a word)

Is this a step towards degradation?
Have I lost my spunk?
Am I getting... gasp!... OLD?!
No. I refuse to accept that title.

Herewith, please accept and applaud my selfie for the day (after 6th try).
I went with the pout and gang sign... and yes, I applied some lipgloss and combed my hair.
Does that make me hip? :)

"Hey everyone! Come see how good I look!"


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