01 02 03 My Spreadsheet Brain: And then I found out I was pregnant... {1st Year Birthday Celebrations} 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

And then I found out I was pregnant... {1st Year Birthday Celebrations}

Blurry pics are the new HD
Our curly girly turns 1 on the 31st October, and we're spinning around in circles, like "huh?! did that just happen?!" For the next few days, sometimes in my blog, but mostly in my head, I will be reminiscing on my glorious pregnant days and all the prep that went into making sure the transition from womb to world was an amazing one.

I found out I was pregnant with Curly like, two months into our marriage. It was a beautiful, scary surprise that swept our 4-man family under our feet. Totally unplanned, but such an exciting thought - the fact that we were going to be one man up! So to speak.

We knew we wanted to have babies - since Hubstopher has one and I have one. Having a kid of our own just made sense.
But my spreadsheet brain planned it for atleast 1 to 2 years AFTER we were married.
We had just moved into our new place and I was still busy unpacking and preparing the boys rooms and all of that. I had wanted to get some new curtains and carpets and had so many diy decor stuff I wanted to try out. I wanted to set up our kitchen so that I could be a culinary expert for my family, cooking them gourmet Jamie Oliver stuff. (All gone in the wind. Try doing that when you're puking your lungs out because you cant stand the smell of lettuce).

So, taking my spreadsheet brain into consideration, I would like to think that I was always very diligent with those tiny, annoying contraceptive pills (which took some getting use to). I had started taking them a month before the wedding, but they gave me leg cramps and a bunch of other nasty side effects a few weeks after the wedding. The nurse at the mediclinic advised me to stop taking them immediately, because the cramps were a symptom of blood clotting! She told me to wait a month and then she would put me on something else. Easy peasy. I mean, how much trouble could we get ourselves into, in a span of 4 weeks? I remember hanging up the washing a few days after that, and I put my hand on my belly and said "God, if you want me to be pregnant, then bugger my plans... I'll be okay with that! Have Your way."

Soon after that I started feeling queasy and drained. (Who lied and said that you only feel tired when you're a few months pregnant?!)
Look, if you've been pregnant before, and you know what morning sickness nausea feels like, then you KNOW the difference between "oh I just ate something and now I feel queasy" vs "Oh my hat! My stomach is doing cartwheels, while breakdancing, on it's head. I'm pregnant!"
I mean, I had to reprimand myself for being too dramatic, but I just KNEW that I am 'with child'.
The fact that I could be pregnant seemed far fetched and I was elated and excited but also so concerned about what people would think. I mean, we've only been married for a couple of seconds. What is WRONG with us?! (These thoughts soon passed when I realized that I didn't care)

Anyways, keep in mind that all of these thoughts occured before I even did a test. Bwaha.
So I did a couple of home pregnancy tests, and it came out negative. (Yeah, I said "a couple")
The last one I did (at work nogals) had a faint second line. So I promptly sent my bestie a message saying "what does this mean?" (She had found out she was pregnant two weeks earlier and had sent me the same message. It was payback. Hahaha)

The faint 2nd line. So deceptive. So mysterious. 

The next day, my family doctor did a pee stick test as well and said "sorry, its a negative". But he sent us for a blood test anyways, which we did the following day, en route to a wedding. I was just so happy that they were open on a Saturday! Since we had to sing at the wedding, I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to call in for the results. And we were I was not prepared to wait until Monday. The blood place person (sorry, what are they called now again), was a friend of a friend, so she promised to send me a text once she had the results.

So picture us, sitting at a wedding ceremony, getting ready to go up to sing, and I get this sms:
"Congratulations, you're going to be a mom again!" 

Of corse my darling husband wanted to burst out in tears! The wedding ceremony was underway, so we couldn't even scream or shout or hug each other LOL and then 10 minutes later, we were called to the stage to serenade the couple and their guests by ministering a beautiful prayer to them in song: "Hold me close, let Your love surround me. Bring me near, draw to me to your side..."
It just had a whole new meaning to us!

We celebrated with a KFC Double Down (good enough reason to put on weight - check!).
We told our moms first and our dads afterwards.
The boys were told together. They were excited. And apprehensive. Both had already received a newly acquired sibling (from their other parents). So they reckoned they were experts already.
And then lo and behold my doctor calls, saying he's been trying to get hold of me since Friday. It turns out the pee stick test turned positive after we had left the surgery! Haha. Talk about a movie ending.

To share the news with our friends and long distance family, we posted a very cool pic on Facebook. No caption required. It was a hit.

Man it has been such a journey ever since!
We have been blessed by so many people who have sowed into our lives and that of our baby.
Our little darling has brought so much joy (and lessons) and I wouldn't trade any part of it for anything!
Having this baby just restored so much in our lives.

I am looking forward to celebrating 1 whole year of God's goodness this October.
I am SO thankful!

God's plan is the best plan :)



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